Events Inspired by Nature

“We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves”. - Andy Goldsworthy

As two girlfriends, together we enjoy collaborating to create & facilitate nature events.
The events aim to act as antidotes to the high stress, the commerce, capitalism & clock time of modern urban life. We choose instead to delve more into the essences of life.
Our events tune into the natural rhythms & cycles of nature; they tap into the history & heritage of ancient nature based cultures & festivals, with a more conscious honouring of the “ordinarily sacred’ in daily life.
By understanding that ‘we are nature’ we realise that a closer relationship with nature can give us a better and healthier connection with ourselves. Nature is self-nurturing.
Our aim, by combining our individual skill-sets is to help facilitate & share this deeper alignment & connection to nature, through our inspiring events.
What To Expect:
Each event is unique, comprising of a diverse program that always engages the ‘head - heart - hands’.
Every event is grounded in a specific nature related theme; involving a creative workshop, informative story-telling, reflective rituals, and group-sharing around a beautifully crafted floor-mandala.
~ A wonderful mix of serious fun! ~
We purposely choose to keep our events small (14 people max) to ensure the experience feels more personal.
See Previous Events further down this page for photos of previous events.
Who Can Attend:
Everyone is welcome to participate. Our events are not Wiccan, pagan, cultish, or dogmatic.
Cost To Participate:
Approx. € 60,- to € 90,- inclusive warm food and hot & cold drinks (& organic wine). Spontaneous pop-up / pot-luck events (offsite) can cost as little as €10,-.
Previous Events
Swipe on the invites for a photo impression
What former participants say
‘Sybilings, Penny & Mariska, work from a beautiful pure loving energy. During the autumn equinox celebration, I felt immersed in a warm & transforming bath of awareness & practical experience. I loved it!’ ~ Karin Schagen (Life coach)
‘With much attention & care Sybilings create an experience that feels like a magical journey. Highly informative, mixing connecting with others with being self reflective’. ~ Adriana Madriaga (Coach & Astrologer)
‘If you are looking for a unique & profound experience, I can highly recommend an event hosted by Sybilings’. ~ Adrienne (Trainer)

The back stories / mini-biographies of each of us.....
Mariska Assink
Mijn fascinatie voor mystiek, spiritualiteit en liefde voor de natuur zitten in mijn DNA. Mijn moeder vierde elk seizoen met mijn zus en mij. Ze leerde ons de namen van planten, bomen en kruiden al op jonge leeftijd.
Mijn vader nam me mee op vakantie naar Engeland waar we heiligdommen bezochten uit de tijd waarin de Grote Moeder (Aarde) Godin heerste. Hij liet me daar aardstralen waarnemen en de energie van deze enorme stenen. We hebben zelfs in een graancirkel gemediteerd.
Avebury, een megalithisch heiligdom in Engeland.
Priesteressen van Avalon
De reis naar Glastonbury heeft een onuitwisbare indruk op mij gemaakt. Dit dorp en omgeving zouden de locatie van het oude magische Avalon zijn geweest. Naar verluid was Avalon het thuis van een zusterschap priesteressen van de grote Godin. Later las ik hierover in het boek ‘de Mist van Avalon’ door Marion Zimmer Bradley.
Ik fantaseerde hoe het zou zijn om zo’n vrouw te zijn, met al hun gaven, vaardigheden en magische krachten. Ik las veel over ‘Hagedessa’s’ (oftewel ‘wijze vrouwen’ die later, tijdens hun vervolging, de scheldnaam ‘heksen’ kregen). Maar er was geen opleiding tot Hagedessa. Dus in mijn vrije tijd begon ik mezelf te onderwijzen in een aantal van de vaardigheden en kennis die zij hadden, voor zover dat mogelijk is.
Andere werelden en creatief fantaseren
Mijn aanleg voor creativiteit en hang naar vrijheid hebben altijd een grote rol gespeeld in mijn studie-en beroepskeuze. Ik studeerde vier jaren aan de Kunstacademie. De natuur was mijn grootste inspiratiebron. Maar ook ontwierp ik graag kostuums. Mijn eigen frustraties waren dat ik de natuur nooit recht deed met te proberen het te schilderen en dat ik de schilderkunst niet een goed medium vond om uiting te geven aan mijn innerlijke belevingswereld. Uiteindelijk besloot ik gehoor te geven aan mijn diepste wens, en dat was om danseres te worden.
Oriëntaalse dans, mijn sprookje van 1001 nacht
De dansstijl die mij het meest tot mijn verbeelding sprak was Oriëntaalse dans (destijds ‘buikdans’ genoemd). Naast deze dansvorm, studeerde ik ook Indiase Tempeldans (Bharat Natyam). Gedurende 30 jaren trad ik op en gaf les. De kroon op mijn danscarrière was een voorstelling, getiteld ‘Godinnen’, waarin de Godin in elke vrouw centraal stond. Ik maakte deze samen met drie ander Oriëntaals danseressen. Ook was dit het eerste samenwerkingsverband tussen Penny en mij. Zij schreef prachtige gedichten die het verhaal ondersteunden en de hele voorstelling verrijkten. Ook droeg zij deze poezie voor in de vorm van de voice-over van deze voorstelling.
Tijdens mijn danscarrière, leidde van Loretta Simon Helms mij op tot Pilates docente. Loretta fungeerde ook als danscoach bij deze dansvoorstelling ‘Godinnen’. Inmiddels geef ik sinds 8 jaar zelf Pilates les in meerdere yogascholen.
Mariska als Indiase Tempeldanseres.
Levende geschiedenis
Mijn interesse in geschiedenis en mijn nostalgische verlangen naar “goede oude tijden”,of wat ik me daarbij voorstelde, inspireerde me om bepaalde vaardigheden te leren, waaronder wol spinnen verven. Later sloot ik me aan bij een stichting die geschiedenis tot leven bracht. We traden op in bijvoorbeeld kastelen. In zelfgemaakte middeleeuwse kostuums demonstreerden we verschillende ambachten en kookten op houtvuur.
Glastonbury Stenen Cirkels
Een moderne Hagedessa / heks
De Hagedessa’s functioneerden behalve als genezeressen, ook als raadgeefsters of zelfs als orakels. Mede daarom bestuderen Penny en ik de Tarot. Mijn huidige studie ‘natuurvoedings diëtist’, vult mijn kennis van o. a. kruiden en etherische oliën aan.
Symbool van de priesteressen van de Godin.
Sybilings Synthese
Het mooie van de evementen van de Sybilings, is dat alles wat ik hierboven beschreven heb daarin bij elkaar komt. En dat ik dit alles verder kan ontwikkelen samen met mijn soulsister Penny en dit kan delen met jou! Ook de locatie past helemaal in dit plaatje: mijn drijvende fantasie kasteel, woonschip Zena.
Penelope (Penny) Porter
Once upon a time, as a young girl I loved mystery, magic, magnets, day-dreaming, dancing, stories, dressing-up, drawing, painting, animals and nature...
When I grew up, I studied art & design at Winchester School of Art England, acquired in 1987 a BA-Honours degree in Fine Art & Aesthetics from Reading University. My first job was spent working for André Montgomery a London based global events organising company; my next venture was to assist in the opening / running of “Waterhouse & Dodds” a Bond Street London Art Gallery. After moving to the Netherlands in the mid ’90’s (for love), it was hard to find employment as a foreigner. So I re-trained as a lace-designer for ‘Dentex’, an Anglo/ Dutch company, and went on to spend many years working in the international fashion world.
Penny as lace designer.
Eventually I set up ‘PJP-Design’ in 2000. I continued to work as a lace-designer / stylist, working under contract & creating the brand “Lila Lace”. Parallel to this, I started to focus on ‘Trend-Forecasting & Fashion-Storytelling’ - the creating & giving of marketing presentations to International Textile & Retail Companies. This involved distilling into collages & text the zeitgeist (collective impulses / trends) fuelling the consumer / fashion worlds. I began to realise that what I actually enjoyed most, was the meaningful connections or underlying patterns behind outer manifestations. I liked bridging & correlating the inner & outer worlds.
Lila Lace mood board. PJP-Design.
Naturally, during my early career, I enjoyed the fruits of success: the money, the glamour of international travel, expanding my horizons, a sense of personal achievement, and proving who I was in the world. Yet, as the years progressed all these glittering pluses began to loose their shine. Leaving instead, only an increasingly pressurised lifestyle of high stress, continual deadlines, soulless airports and impersonal hotels, and limited time / connectivity with family & friends, or the freedom to be creative. I found myself feeling trapped in an exhausting repetitive life-wheel that was spinning out of control, and was negatively affecting the quality of my life & my health. Somehow, I felt displaced, and disconnected from a deeper sense of self, and removed from all that I valued. I needed to find my way back home.
"Night Mind" (The earth which filled her mouth is vanishing from her). PJP Design.
In 2007 I made the decision to opt-out. There followed some difficult years, years without income, or vocational identity. This was a time spent doing much soul-searching. I re-focussed on grounding, and “knowing self” better... My focus went inwards: mind, body & soul: Reading, writing, poetry, intuitive painting, esoteric tarot courses, depth-psychology (Jung), delving into myths & symbols, practicing dream-analysis, making soul-boards, designing Mandalas, studying the natural laws. Along with simply enjoying gardening / healthy cooking, and a daily practice of ‘Contrology” (pilates) / body-work. I re-connected back to myself, by honouring a life that truly resonated with me.
Tension of Opposites. Wax & Ink. PJP-Design.
“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.” - TS Eliot, Four Quartets.
So, now, in the second phase of my life, I re-apply all that was innate and true to me as a child, all that was emerging within my career days. Today I playfully weave these more evolved personal threads of self, into a life of my own making. A life that better aligns & flows naturally with who I am, and now ripples gently outwards into the local community.
I believe the threads (or fates) of life continually weave their own patterns; pattern-mapping towards an authentic personal blue-print.
“The Universe is made of stories, not of atoms” - Muriel Rukeyser... stories are literally yarns; the warp & weft threads, that as archetypal myths, weave back into our collective and personal DNA. As individuals we each have a unique story, an authentic singular thread / a personal myth to sew back into the collective tapestry of life. Authenticity of self, literally means being the ‘authority’ or ‘owner’ and ‘author’ of one’s own life.
The Three Fates or Moirai : Clotho, Lachesis & Atropos.
Sybiling Synthesis - Today, with Mariska, I now create & facilitate meaningful calendar events; events that delve into the underlying essences of daily life; events that are in tune with the rhythms, cycles and elements of nature; tapping back into a rich collective ancestral heritage; events that are rooted in rites, rituals and celebration. The aim, with such events, is to enable participants to: pause & punctuate, to ground & centre, and to partake in a more reflective creative dialogue with themselves and their lives, finding a connection to their own personal inner thread; adding more meaning and magic into their daily lives.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle” - Albert Einstein.
The events are hosted (unless otherwise indicated) on Ship Zena (“houseboat”)
Borneokade 68
1019 AW Amsterdam
Parking: Free parking on Sundays in the neighbourhood.
On other days we can offer five participants to make use of our parking app, which reduces the rate from €5,- per hour to €1,75.
Public transport: Zena is at a 10 minute busride from Amsterdam CS.
For all the options check the app: OV9292