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Nature & Nurture

“We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves”. - Andy Goldsworthy
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Mariska Assink & Penny Porter

As two girlfriends, soul-sisters, or ‘Sybilings’, together we enjoy collaborating to create & facilitate inspiring calendar events.

Our “Sybiling’s Events,” act as antidotes to the high stress, the commerce, capitalism & clock time of modern life. We choose instead to delve more respectfully into the essences of life. Our events tune into the natural rhythms and cycles of nature; they are deeply rooted in rites, rituals and celebration. Tapping into heritage, with a conscious honouring of the ‘ordinarily-sacred’ in daily life. By reconnecting more directly with nature, and therefore ourselves, we aim to introduce a little bit of “Earth Magic” back into daily life.

At each “Sybiling’s Event” you can expect:- seasonal ‘homemade’ feasting (food & drink) // music // a specific theme & focus // a mandala circling // mythical storytelling // a collaborative mix of being, doing, and playful manifesting // ... sometimes there are aspects of dance & movement, sometimes meditation, often interactive or intuitive painting, lots of creating, & discussing.


Look at our former events

Please tap & swipe on the invites to get to the photos

Mother Earth, the Great Goddess

The back stories / mini-biographies of each of us.....

Mariska Assink

Penelope (Penny) Porter